Events News

AfricaCERT with the collaboration of AFRINIC (, Global Forum for Cyber Expertise (, FOSSFA (, Internet Society (, and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate will host a workshop on Creating a more Trusted Internet experience, together at the Africa Internet Summit 2018 on 7 May in Dakar, Senegal.

This workshop aims at creating a more Trusted Internet experience and participants will:

  • learn more about Open Internet Standards such as DNSSEC, TLS, DMARC, DKIM, SPF, DANE and IPv6, in support of more trusted communications;
  • be inspired by Good Practice experiences that help improve reliability of the Internet. Good practice examples will be presented from the region, and from elsewhere that may be of interest in the region;
  • work to develop and commit to specific actions, together, that will help improve the Internet experience in the region. For this, we will work according the Open Space methodology meaning that participants set the agenda, together.

We call participants from regional Internet stakeholder groups, including government, business and technical community to participate. If you are interested in improving the trusted Internet experience in your region and eager to meet with and learn from like-minded people from other sectors, please join us in Dakar.

Registration will start as from 08:30. The workshop is full day and lunch will be provided.  A detailed agenda and speakers’ list will be provided shortly.